Childhood Blog Posts


Marriage is a chapter in life which each human being ponders about for a long duration during his tenure on the earth. I donot know if marriage is a bond of love that is bonded foreverin life or if marriage is a deal where 2 individuals see mutual benefits and decide to grow old living together or if marriage is a license to “love legally” in a society and gain respect from society or if marriage is a mandatory chapter which you need to read no matter how it goes through; one thing is sure it’s a word which has loads of importance in each and every persons life. I am not here to tell you what marriage is and how it should bel I am just amazed how it all happens to us.  I have met friends who are enjoying “sucessful marriages”, I have met people who have had “unsuccesful marriages”. I wonder if marriage is the start to end of thought process about life of anyone. You meet a old man and if hes never been married; the lady next to you will tell that “you know that old fellow never got married”,you see a young independent girl but divorced due to some problems, she wont be spared by anyone; till she get frustated and starts living isolated from everyone. Being happily married is so important to lead a peaceful life; not only for yourself but peaceful for the society in which you walk everyday. No doubt getting married is termed synonymous to being “settled”.

Though I believe marriage is just another path of the journey of life, live it the way it comes! 🙂